Pupil Premium

We currently have 5 pupils in receipt of pupil premium and 4 pupils in receipt of pupil premium plus. We continue to use the same strategies to support our PP and PP+ children.

Our analysis of PP children - Sept 2024

84% are working within age related expectations in reading

67% are working within age related expectations in maths

67% are working within age related expectations in writing

44% receive additional support from our Family Support Worker

11% have had (or continue to receive) external counselling services


Our strategy for pupil premium focuses on three aspects of school life:


  1. Ensuring access to appropriate targeted intervention - such as maths / English'scoop' sessions

  2. Providing social and emotional support - including one-to-one support, small group social interaction groups and the use of external therapies

  3. Ensuring that all pupils have opportunities equal to their peers - which has included funding for trips, music / swimming lessons, kit /equipment 

Hope Brook Pupil Premium Statement - Aut 23 1.pdf .pdf
Pupil Premium Statement - Aut 22- Without Review 1.docx .docx
Pupil Premium Statement - Autumn 21 1.pdf .pdf